Friday 2 September 2011

Primary Research 2


Questionnaire Results

Question 1

For question one, the majority of people found Nerds the funniest with 5 votes and weird people shortly behind with 4 and cool people with only one. therefore i will use a nerd as my main character but possibly add onto him some weird facial expressions.

Question 2

The colours green and blue both had three votes each and black had none, with red winning the vote of the drink colour that would stand out the most, with four votes. Therefore, I will make my drink red. 

Question three

The name Exhibit won the vote with five votes, with street and exposed getting one vote each and runner up with three votes, Intense. In conclusion i will go with the powerful name Exhibit for my product.

Question four

More people thought a glass bottle was appealing for a fizzy drink with five votes going for yes and four for no. I will place my product in a glass bottle to make it more appealing and fun. 

Question Five 

Daddy cool and Ice ice baby were the popular songs when I asked what songs are most cheesy and fun appealing to you. Daddy cool will be the song I use as it got one point over on Ice ice baby.

Question six

I will use bird poo to embarrass my nerd in the TV advert as it won by 8 votes compared to the 2 votes singing out loud got, when ask what's more embarrassing. 

Question seven

The slogan 'The experience is delicious' only got 2 votes compared to the eight votes 'awakening your taste buds' received  when asked which one was better. Therefore, I will use the winning one. 

Question eight

Three people preferred to 'to the point' adverts rather than the narrative adverts which received 7 votes. My advert will appeal to most of the audience, as i have set it as a narrative.

Question nine

Taste was more important than narratives of a product's advert, to the people I questioned, when it came down to buying the product, with eight for taste and two for narrative. My advert message's that taste is the main thing about the product yet also has a funny narrative, so appeal to all audience.

Question ten

When asked if the audience prefer a funny or serious advert, all ten voters voted for funny which made me happy as a was very set on doing a funny advert.


What appeals to you in an advert?
The anticipation to see the revealing of the product.
The storyline.
An advert with lots of content in it.

When you have a cold fizzy drink at the end of a hot day, how would you describe your taste buds? 
It wakes me up. The flavours and the coldness just wake me up completely. A cold drink is something you always need to refresh yourself and give yourself a wake up call.

What do you think of the 'Exhibit' logo? (show her logo)
It makes it look like the product is posh and almost like it's on stage, like a celebrity. It's nice and bright easy to see.

What do you feel makes the product stand out from other fizzy drinks on the shelves?
I think the red colouring of the drink makes it stand out, along with the brands name as the word exhibit makes me think straight away that i have to look at it.

What do you think of when hearing the word nerd?
Boring, someone who studies alot and who doesn't fit in with the crowd.

What are the two most appealing things to you about fizzy drinks?
The taste and the how it can make me feel like it can quiche my thirst.

Thank you. (End of interview)

In conclusion, the person I interviewed seemed to find the taste the most important thing when it comes fizzy drinks, therefore I will make sure I advertise the message more so that the taste it the main aspect of the drink. She was also keen on an advert full of narrative and slow product reveal, which I will try to achieve with my advert. she gave me ideas on how to portray the boy as a nerd, including being an outsider.She enjoyed my logo and said to colour of the drink stands out which I was happy with, knowing that what i wanted to get across to the audience did so. Lastly, she gave me more confidence on the chosen product slogan, 'Awakening your taste buds', as she stated that after a long hot day her taste buds would feel refreshed and awake.

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