Friday 2 September 2011

Develop Advert Campaign and Planning for Pitch


My Idea for my TV advert is to advertise my drink product, 'EXHIBIT', giving the message that the taste is the key thing and also making fun of other drink adverts such as coke and red bull, by keeping it realistic and having the advert slogan as,' It might not make you cool, but it sure tastes good!'. Then the branded products slogan will be, 'awakening your taste buds'. my advert i hope should come across as a fun and witty ad as a good promotion for the audience to want to buy the product.

My advert will start out with a establishing shot of the outside of a college, for the audience to establish to setting and to have an idea of the types of characters they are about to meet, such as students. Then the nerd will be introduced, frustratingly playing on his games console. He will be sitting on a bench alone to show he doesn't have many friends and he will be wearing glasses and a tucked in chequered shirt with some jeans. this costume will portray his nerd stereotype as he will be dressed different and smart compared to the other students. the camera will pan up his body, then showing his facial expression and how he is important to the advert. the camera will freeze frame on him and then be introduced by subtitles as 'the nerd', using some intertextuality from the Coca-cola zero advert. sound here will be natural non diegetic sounds such as birds, game console noises and chatting from around him.

Then there will be a close up on his game console as it will say 'game over', which is where he stubbornly puts the console down and looks over at a group of popular students, all laughing and chatting to one another while drinking,'EXHIBIT'. you will see the drink in a mid-close up of one of the people drinking some. this will give the viewer an idea into what the advert's promotion purpose is but still hold them back for more. camera shots used here will include point of view shots from the nerd looking at them so the audience can feel part of the advert and also mid shots of the group and over shoulder shots. lighting will become only slightly brighter when camera is on them as they look like they are having a good time and they will be wearing latest fashion clothing such as jeans, chinos, nice tops, well done hair, make up ect. this will add to the popular stereotype. There will also be a freeze frame and subtitle here of,'The cool kids', to introduce and state clearly their role in the advert. the pace of the shots will all be regular length portraying reality. sound will be of them all laughing and chatting loudly yet some non diegetic noises too, of the bottles clinking together.

Then a close up of one of the popular girls will go to grab one of her bottles from on the floor and then without noticing, knocks one over, with it beginning to roll. it will roll and then stop at the nerds feet, where he will then keep looking at it temptingly. He will eventually pick it up and take a big gulp. Shots here will be alot of cutaway close up shots, to clearly show important things happening, by small things. for example, grabbing a bottle and then knocking one over. I will use a ground shot of the bottle rolling into camera and then showing it go out of camera, which will add tension and more creativity. also it will make the bottle look bigger and powerful. Then I will use a panning point of view shot from the nerd showing the bottle reach his feet. high angle shots and low angle shots will next be shown with the nerd looking down on the drink and then the drink looking back at him. this will create humour and with the drink low angle looking at him shots, the audience will be able to see his tempting and humorous facial expressions. lighting will be bright daylight here with no sound at all, to add to the humorous tension and to highlight the situation of the boy meeting the drink. mid shot will show him picking it up and a side shot will show him drinking it.

The nerd then shows a shocked and surprised grinning face which we will see through a mid close up. the camera will then zoom in onto his wide eyes, where he will look left to right. then a match on action edit will be used with the camera zooming out into a long shot of him in a modern car, with 'the cool kids' around him all bopping around him singing along to the radio song, 'Daddy cool'. this song will be used to portray him as cool through the lyrics and to get the visuals and atmosphere more upbeat, with the shots being much shorter along with the rhythm of the song. however, as it's quite an old song and quirky lyrics, the nerd turned cool, will still have in inner nerd within him. his clothes in this scene will change with him wearing jeans and a more casual and cool t-shirt on with his hair done well with some gel. This will show that his image has changed due to the taste of this drink, however, to keep it comical, his facial expressions will still be geeky when he is bopping and singing along, which will be shown through close ups on his face. other shots include high angle tracking shots and low angles onto him to portray his power, making him look inferior. they will all be holding their drinks in the air, keeping the audience focused on the product and a dreamy after effect will be added onto this scene to show it's imaginative.

This scene will end with the camera going in close onto the drink in the nerds hand and once again repeating the match on action shot, then zooming out of it into the next scene. The location will then show the boy back at the college bench, holding his bottle up in the air still, then realising, slightly embarrassed, what he is doing, then lowering his hand. A mid shot of the boy will be shown up until he realises what he is doing which is where the camera cuts to a long shot, then letting the audience establish the location and how he looks from far away doing this, adding comedy. The camera then goes back to a mid shot of the boy still looking impressed with himself and cool, bobbing his head still. He then face's the camera smiling and then winks, representing a cheesy and typical happy ending to the advert showing his happiness after drinking the 'EXHIBIT' product. It also involves the audience as he looks at the camera, therefore looks at the viewer establishing their presence. the music from the radio, 'Daddy Cool' is still playing as backing music here, at a lower tone and lighting is back to normal daylight but brighter than usual, portraying his happiness.

Suddenly, a bird poo's on his shoulder in the same shot which a non diegetic noise of the poo is adding in to clearly state what it is and then music is suddenly stopped. His facial expressions drop to a serious straight face and he slowly turns his head to his shoulder and then looks back at the camera annoyed as this has ruined his moment. This adds a comical and witty twist to the adverts message as it hits back to reality with the bird poo. Then the advert slogan titles come up on the screen with a voice over saying it which is, 'It might not make you cool, but it sure tastes good!'. The music fades back in here.

This leads to the final shot of  a mid close up of the drink product in bright lighting, with focus purely the product, showing it's importance and protraying it's fame with the brightness. The product slogan then follows the advert's slogan and is also voiced over, stating, 'EXHIBIT! awakening your imagination!'. the advert cuts to black.

Product brand development

The products name is EXHIBIT, which is developed from being a word related to benefit and power. also portraying the product as something that needs to be big and on show. 
The design is a glass bottle, making it more appealing and trendy to have. it's also a red fizzy drink  showing power and fun, yet heterosexual colour.
The slogan is, 'EXHIBIT, awakening your taste buds!', which portrays the drink as powerful and concentrating on the great tastes. 
the logo includes red, white and purple colours and is a clear shiny glass box with a white peddle stall inside, with the brand name, EXHIBIT, sitting on top of it. The word is portrayed as art in a gallery, relating to the meaning of exhibit. Also there are two spotlights in the corners shining onto the word, putting all focus on it. There is then a random purple shriek going under the word, portraying a twist of excitement in the drink. 

Target audience profile

Target audience Demographically is a 14 to 20 years old, of either male or female gender and of an English nationality language. socio-economical audience, they would come under students and/or of a lower-middle/middle class group as the age of the audience could most likely to be under these classes and the cast is portrayed as these. Also these classes are realistic of life which is what the advert shows. this then leads on to the VaLS audience groups which includes makers as they are practical and self sufficient which is what the lower-middle class people and students fall under. Also Expereincers are targeted as the advert makes you want to try the drink. Also the Fulfilleds and Actualisers are targeted as the Fulfilleds can find the advert funny and relate to the nerd not turning cool as this group is happy with their lives and jobs and got what they want, therefore not wanting a drink to change them like it doesn't to the boy. Also the Actualisers are realistic relating to the witty realistic advert message.  lastly, the Young and Rubicam's Four Consumers targeted audience is the Mainstreamers as the students, lower-middle and middle class would fall under this as it makes up 40% of the population. Also it could target Aspirers as the advert and brand portrays the product as an 'Exhibit', making it look important and something they must have. 

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