Friday 2 September 2011

Primary Research 1

R Whites Lemonade Advert.

The narrative of the advert is about a middle aged man, waking up in the middle of the night, to get some of the R Whites lemonade. He is addicted to the lemonade and is trying to do it secretly, as if he shouldn't be doing it. He then wakes his wife and dog up and he is caught out but him and his wife then enjoy a glass of the drink. as well as narrative based, it is also performance based as he sings a song which rounds and promotes the advert as it becomes catchy to the audience. the characters are the main man, who is in his pyjamas looking sneaky yet excited for his lemonade. Then there is the wife who is also in her night clothes, stating that it's night time, and who looks shocked and confused to what she catches, but when he offers her some lemonade, she smiles acceptably.

The genre of the advert is mainly musical and dance as the man is singing throughout the advert and dancing his way down the stairs, promoting the product through song. due to this, the genre of comedy is introduced as the man is singing and creeping down stairs, in a quirkiness way, to the lemonade.

The target audience for the R Whites Lemonade commercial i believe, demographically is for ages 20-30, aimed at both genders. this is because the cast is a young middle aged couple and a pet dog, relating to the norm of the audiences family home lifestyles, as they will be beginning to settle down in a home with partner. also the advert shows booth the man and woman happy with the lemonade drink, making it clear it's satisfying to both genders.the Socio-economic audience would come under middle-class and upper middle-class as the advert is set in a regular household, yet the speech is very formally spoken and with the cast's pyjamas .designed smartly. For example, the man is wearing a non-creased shirt rather than a baggy night shirt. i think they chose this group for a target audience, to portray the lemonade drink as an upmarket product that everyone can have as they make it a funny advert with this upper/middle class man, giving into the drink and making fun of himself to get it. therefore the VALs audience would target the experiences, as the producers of the advert make you want to try the drink as this man claims his addiction for it, therefore wanting to see what its like.

Institution of R White's advert includes winning advertising awards and being on the TV from 1973-1984. Also Ross Mcmanus wrote and sung the rememable theme tune to the advert, with his famous singer son, Elvis Costello, singing the backing vocals. Unfortunately I had no luck in finding the production company or director for this advert. however, it was done to promote the drink which it did very effectively with the song alone.

Language in this advert includes very little post-production effects which may be due to being filmed just under 40 years ago, therefore productions didn't have as much advantage as today's. The editing in the advert is simple yet effective with continuing editing long shots, cut to the beat or to the lyrics. For example when he goes to open the fridge, the camera angle changes showing the close up of the door opening and the revel of the lemonade, whilst the lyrics,'R White's Lemonade' are sang. Cinematography includes close ups of the lemonade, getting the brand and product across to the audience and also wide shots, establishing where he is and whats's occurring. for example, the shot of downstairs looking up the stairs with him walking down, clearly shows the audience the of him coming down in the middle of the night from his bed. the advert then add in a freeze frame on the final shot of them both, the man and his partner, smiling as they enjoy and share the lemonade,to let the audience have time to take in the shot and the meaning of it creating happiness.

Mise-en-scene in R White's commercial is with the location in a modern, at the time, family sized house with dark lighting tones. this sets the scene and shows the audience it is night time in a middle-class household. the only main props involved is the lemonade product and a glass, to keep the message simple to the audience that the advert is about this lemonade and it's the only thing that matters. the costume's in the advert are very important as it define's both the character and what time of day it is.
They are both wearing pyjamas showing it's night time yet the clothing in smart and neat, showing their upper-middle class status and also the man is wearing glasses, making him look rather quirky, added humour to the advert as a whole. performance in the advert is what makes the genre's and promotes the product, as it's the man's excitement and quirkiness that makes the advert a comedy, as well as his dancing. this is portrayed as funny as he is a upper-middle class formal man, getting silly over the lemonade. also his overworked miming expressions are also funny. the cast both look happy when they share the product, revealing the goodness of it to viewers. Lighting is dark in the ad to determine the time is night yet when he opens the fridge, the fridge's light is over exposed onto him with his lemonade, representing his love for the drink, that it means a lot to him so should be in the spotlight. the sound is mainly non-diegetic as it is the theme tune playing throughout the advert with the man lip syncing it. the sound is parallel to the visuals and is upbeat, adding to the adverts comedy and musical genre. Diegetic sound is added at the end with him offering 'R White's Lemon' to his partner.

The ideology of the R White's advert is to portray the message that the lemonade is so good, it can be additive. They show this through the man's eager and excited characteristics yet through the lyrics of the song also, 'I've been trying to give it up'. the producers take to making fun of addictions by resembling the lemonade to a drug and as a naughty yet irresistible drink, with the man waking up and having the creep down the stairs singing, 'I'm a secret lemonade drinker'. 

In this advert, you see the R Whites Lemonade, which is represented as an addiction and the best product around. this is represented like this with the man singing, 'I've been trying to give it up but its just one of those nights', referring to the lemonade like an addiction. its portrayed this way for the audience to see what effect it has on this man, showing that it must be an amazing drink if he can't get enough of it and is thinking about it at night. 
The man in the advert is represented as a middle aged man who can't sleep because he is thinking about the lemonade. He is seen Sneaky about what he is doing yet is excited when getting towards the fridge for the lemonade. This is portrayed by the man creeping down the stairs slowly, stepping over his dog saying 'Shh', while dancelike shrugging his shoulders singing with excitement on his face. He is also represented as a witty man, which is done by his singing about the lemonade. This is done to add humour and promotion to the product.

In conclusion, i believe this advert is very simple yet very successful, which it has evidence of, running on the TV for 11 years straight. The catchy comical song and the man's quirky characteristics including the lip syncing and dancing, makes the advert remember able and fun to watch. 

Coca-Cola Zero Advert.

The Coca-Cola Zero advert is part of a series of adverts based on the product. This advert in particular, is called 'The Date' and is set out like a short film. The narrative begins with a Regular yet attractive man in his early twenties, playing football with his mates. The producers introduce him as,'the hero' and we establish he is the main character. He then gets himself a coke zero, when his phone rings. this is where we meet the date, a young, attractive woman, who is in another  location waiting for him. he has forgotten and then we see the coke kick in, inside his body. he then becomes the hero and has a swat-like team grab him and put him in a coke zero van. they then freshen him up and get him ready for the date. This is all set out like an action movie, with then speed boats and helicopters getting involved. Then,'The jerk' is introduced, who is represented as the bad guy, trying to steal his date. the man then lands in the girls location and sticks, what looks like a plunger, to the bad guys head and he is scooped away by the helicopter, adding humour into the action advert. the advert then finishes with him scooping the girl away by parashoot with fireworks going off.

There is one genre to the extreme in this Coca-Cola advert, which is action. You can see it is action from all the vehicles and swat teams introduced, with the post production slow motion effects and explosions and most importantly, the fast beat backing music. The advert also has the same characters that a action film would involve being, the main good guy, the bad guy, and the girl he wants, along with the swat teams. i think this is done like this to portray the products genre as an action. 

The target audience for this advert, demographically, is ages 14-22 and of both genders. I think this because the cast are very young attractive adults which appeals to the age group as they are at the ages where they like to see attractive people on the TV. Also I think its aimed at both genders as the males will enjoy the action and thrill of the advert, such as seeing the speed boats and helicopters as well as the soundtrack and action like cinematography, such as the explosions. whereas, the females will enjoy the main male in the cast as he is attractive and they show him as a sexual attraction by the shot with him with his top off and him playing 'the hero' getting the girl. the socio-economics target audience would be most classes as the lower-level income would be the students of the ages they are targeting, yet also aimed at lower-middle class, as the man is portrayed as a regular everyday guy at the beginning. However, as time goes on it can relate to middle and upper class as the locations and vehicles are seen as luxurious with the blue seas and the palm trees. also the location of where the girl is; an outside bar with a pool, overlooking the beach.
Aspirer's would be targeted from the Young and Rubican's four consumers audience also, as the coca-coca zero product is branded all over the advert relating to the audience wanting the brand labels they see and also the man in the advert gains much self esteem and status through the product which is want this target audience group wants.

Institution of this advert includes the production company being, 'Hundred percent film production' and director, Martin Werner, who has also done work for SAS airline company which had similarities which the attractive cast and action like genres. he has also done the other coca cola zero adverts which all have the same impression. the advert was made for the coca cola company to promote the coca cola zero drink.

The Language is a huge part of the advert including the dis-continuity editing done through montage showing the main travels of the man's adventure cutting from the speed boats to him getting changed to the helicopter landings. The cuts are short and quick adding effect to the action genre the advert is trying to portray, as action is all very quick. Also there are cross edits where the producers show the male's present doing and the woman's, next to one another on the same screen shot. this give's the audience the contrast view, showing the woman in a relaxing calm place while the man is on this big action adventure to get to her.
The advert has titles and after effects added in to make it like an action film movie with  titles such as: 'The impossible made possible'; 'Real taste, Zero sugar'; 'It's possible' and then subtitles introducing the advert, 'The Date', and characters; 'Our Hero' and 'The Jerk' with editing freeze frames on each one. this once again gave the audience chance to get to know the characters and their role in the action advert. special effects are used throughout the commercial including fire explosions on the titles and fireworks portraying the perfect ending with the good guy winning. I think these effects are added in to excite the audience more and add to the action genre, over exaggerating the cokes power. ls the helicopter and the stunts are CGI which is done to overact the drama and action. also it is CGI so big stunts can be done that wouldnt necessary be possible in reality, such as the helicopter plunger on 'the jerk's' head, relating back to the slogan of, 'It's possible' with coke.
Cinematography is widely used to portray the action film feel in the advert with short shot cuts and mainly use of wide shots and mid-close ups of the action. for example, wide shots are used the exstablish the travels of the man, such as the movement of the swat van, through birds-eye and panning shots, and then then boats travelling towards the helicopter. It helps the audience understand the narrative and travels more so.  mid-close ups are of the man to keep attention on him, and of the quick shots showing the Coca-Cola Zero brand logo, on the swat teams bullet proof jackets and the vehicles, portraying the power of the brand to bullet proof extent.  close ups are used when the man grabs the coke out of the fridge showing the importance of the product in the advert and that the coke is the main character ahead of the man himself.The camera is always moving and never still, with pan, crane and tracking shots going on at all times. this makes the scene look busy and packed with action. examples of these shots are the panning shot of the man sweeping in from the helicopter, from a low angle; the high angle tracking shot of the van along the roads and also even panning shots of when the barman addresses the woman of 'the jerk'. this also therefore makes even the calmest parts of the advert look eventful. there are also many point of view shots from the man such as when he is grabbed by the swat team we see almost from his eyes, making the audience feel part of the advert.
Mise-en scene includes the location beginning in the football pitch portraying the happening of the man and the time of day, being midday and the man just finishing a game of football with his mates. This portrays the ordinary day-to-day life of the man, showing his a regular man. then we cut to the girls location in an upper-class posh outdoor bar which we can see from the pool and smart clothing. once the film like titles are done and the coke is drank, the locations change to the streets, to a mountain side road, to the ocean, then sky and then then bar where the male and female join locations. These variety of locations show the travels and extents that this man has gone to, to reach the woman on time. Also it squeezes in much locations in the advert, to show the busyness, resembling action.
Props include, most importantly the coke bottle itself which is involved in close up shots throughout the advert, reminding the audience what the advert is for and that that is being made possible, because of this product. Also the mobile phone to then introduce the woman and the watch to show that he is low on time. also the drinks at the bar to simply establish that it is a bar, setting the scene more so.
costumes begin with the man in casual clothing of shorts and football socks setting the scene that he's been playing football, and a tight black vest top, slightly showing his figure, showing off his attraction to target the female audience. Also the black vest top portrays slightly of what's about to come with black resembling the powerfulness of what's about to become inside of him. once the coke is drank and the action and travels begin he gets changed in the van with his clothes being ripped off, targeting the female audience once again and then is turned into one of the swat men full with his bulletproof vest and black clothing resembling power. this portrays what the coke has done for him. the woman is wearing a black dress to set the scene of the upper class bar more, portraying her as an upper class woman black showing smart formal dressing and a similarity of her and the male. Lastly, the jerk is wearing a brown blazer and a bright cheesy shirt representing him as a man with no style and as a daft man.
the woman is very smiley showing her personality as friendly and sexual to the male audience and with the man doing the same smiling and then keeping a dark straight face coming across as sexual to the female audience and then powerful also. the lighting is overexposed throughout the advert, making the black coke zero vehicles and man's costume stand out the most showing the important objects and persons in the commercial.the main colours in the advert are black white and red which are the colours in the coke logo, therefore keeping the coke theme throughout the advert maintaining the idea of the coke being this power.

Sound in the advert includes the non-diegetic sound of the upbeat action backing music and then the helicopter engine noises, bottle opening, ringing of phone and voice overs for the titles which are characteristics of a typical action film. Diegetic sounds include speech from the characters adding to the narrative of the advert and also the swat team shouts.

This advert has some intertextuality of the film, 'Mission Impossible' as they even name the beginning of the action, 'The Impossible made Possible', which is what the result is to the mission impossible films. in this title also, a bike comes crashing through the titles which looks very similar to a shot in the mission impossible film. Also 'Mission Impossible' is an american action film also with explosions, expensive vehicles and attractive actors. they also wear very similar costumes. the advert resembles a film so much that at the end of the advert when the slogan is shown, it is represented as a film reel with the flickering and non-diegetic sound of the flicker film reel playing.

The ideology of the Coke Zero advert is portraying the message that anything can be possible with the coke zero which is shown through the slogan, 'It's Possible' and the producers creating the short action film and presenting it named as, 'The impossible made possible'.this makes the ideology of the branded product to be a cool and must have drink, to give you the power of this man. this is shown by when the man drinks it, you see the effect of the drink through the upbeat action music and the titles with the explosions in background kick in, changing the mood of the advert completely. It also sends the message across that the coke zero still has the same effects as the regular coke and makes it into a positive to the audience of who have doubts about the coke zero. This theory is portrayed by the end of the advert, with the titles, 'Real Taste, Zero Sugar' and also the entire advert showing the effects of the non-sugar coke still able to have all the power. The power being represented through the swat teams and high end vehicle motors.

The Main man in this advert is firstly represented as a normal young attractive adult by showing him playing a game of football with his mates. Then once he takes a sip of coke zero and realises he has a date to get to, he turns into, 'The Hero' which is shown by the producers stating it like title credits. he is portrayed as a attractive hero for the audience to feel like the drink shall make you cool and as the advert's slogan says, to feel with this drink, the 'impossible is possible,giving the audience a message also. 
The Coca-Cola Zero is represented as a ice cold amazing drink, that can change your mood and give you strength and maker the impossible, possible. This is portrayed firstly, with producers having the slogan, making the impossible, possible and also when he drinks the drink he goes into hero mode, whereas before he is relaxed. the coke is portrayed as ice cold with the grabbing out of ice bucket shot in glass bottles which is done to make the drink look more appealing and fresh. Lastly, the swat team all have coke zero written on them and the vehicles portraying that they are the coke product which is done to portray the powerfulness of the drink.

In conclusion, I believe this advert to also be very successful fully packed with action and certainly gets across the action movie genre and the message that the impossible is possible with the powerfully portrayed coca-cola zero drink. This advert targets a large audience as it caters for both genders successfully. 

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